5 New Year Resolutions To Make 2018 Your Year.

Viraj Upadhyay
4 min readDec 29, 2017

The New Year is approaching and It is the great way to set your life goals and making your goals achieved. Do not mislead by the title of this article, I am not gonna talk about resolutions that you will make, cuz everybody has different goals according to their life and passion , I will talk about on how to stick with your resolution, That is right, the daily routine that will indulge you in your to-do’s.

First of all, grab a seat, a marker and note down the changes you want to make in your life in the new year. Then just follow the daily routine, consistency is the key to hold up any aim high. Do your best and hope for the worst.

Life is not a set of to-do’s and likes and comment on your social media, It is about goals you achieve, the love you give and the passion you follow.

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”
― Edith Lovejoy Pierce

#1. Remove the toxic people.

These people are naysayers. Everybody has toxic people in their life, they just don’t know how to recognize them. Let me help you out. Toxic people are judgemental, They judge you by your past, by your mistakes and It is never about you, It is always about themselves. These people never take responsibility for their feelings even if it’s their fault. they always have someone to blame and play the “Victim” part. That is why they never say “Sorry” Cuz its always someone else’s fault. These people can isolate you from your family and friends and make you join their camp. Remove these people from your life, Block them, Delete their number, unfollow them and the best way is to FORGET THEM!! Just close the door and don’t look back. Leave the past in the past that is where it belongs, start off as new, remember that if you are traveling to past every time, you are ruining your present as well as your future.

You have to try the bad stuff to actually know the GOOD STUFF!

#2. Love yourself.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”
— Buddha

Take yourself out. go on a trip with yourself. read books, eat ice cream, go to the art museum, spend time chasing your dreams not people, follow your passion, make time to meditate, get in the shape. fall in love with yourself, make some good breakfast for yourself, trust yourself, you are the only person who is never gonna cheat on you. Self-esteem is the startup of the confidence. Confidence can take you from beginner to professional. Not everyone is going to love you but you can always love yourself.

#3. Trust the process.

Everything will fall into places at certain time. Just trust the process and follow it. Do not rush into anything. Remember it takes time to build great things, you are not making “Lego house” here, This is real life. you can not achieve overnight success, overnight. It just takes 5 years of hard work, dedication, and determination to become an overnight success. You can look at other people and try to imitate them and think they are successful, No, it is not your life, it is theirs, Your life script is different from other, your best is yet to come.

#4. Face your fears.

Everyone is afraid of something. EVERYONE!! I am afraid of bugs, haha but that’s not coming in between me and my dreams. I am talking about real fears, fear about life. Ride that roller coaster, Go to that place, say the truth, learn to play guitar, write an article, sing a karaoke, walk down the aisle, do the things that you are afraid to do, that will make you the person you want to become. Remember that if you will not face your fears, Fears will grow and make you think that you worth less that your fears.

#5. Try not to please everyone.

If you want to make everyone happy, Don’t be a leader, sell an Ice-Cream.
-Steve Jobs.

You are never going to please the person if he/she sees your imperfection rather than focusing on your perfection. you can never please everyone, there are people out there who are just waiting to see you fall, you can never please them no matter how good or talented you are. Know your worth, Stop waiting for everybody’s approval, you are not here to ask for their opinion, you are here to make an opinion. Don’t be a yes man, who always say yes. Try to say no to the things you don’t like or don’t want. Stop making excuses otherwise, you will lose yourself in process of pleasing somebody.

The side effect of pleasing everyone disease can be more harmful than any other disease, It can leave you with less confident, you will hate the things you used to love, you lose your confidence , you lose your worth and end with nothing but a resentful heart that will never let you focus on your dreams.

So this is the life, Live according to your rules, you hold the control of your life, you can delete and add people, you can remove and install emotions. Start your new year with brand new you, and have an Amazing New Year 2018. PEACE!!!!

